3 Simple Ways to Boost SEO on Your WordPress Website

You want as many eyes as possible on your website - whether your goal is to entertain and inform readers, promote your work, sell your products and services, or, you know, provide the world's best web hosting. Huh. Simply put, the more visitors you get, the easier it is to build an audience you can count on.
But where to start?
There are many ways to drive traffic to your site, but search engine optimization (WordPress SEO) is one of the most effective. SEO is a collection of strategies and techniques that aim to help your pages rank higher in search engine results. This increases the visibility of your site and can really help it take off.
Read More: How to Create a Sitemap in WordPress: A Beginner's Guide
What's more, there are tons of simple ways to improve your WordPress site's SEO, even if you're a total beginner. In this post, we'll explore 13 techniques you can start using right away!
An Introduction to SEO (And Why It Matters)
Think about it. When you sit down to search for something on the Internet, there is one place to go: a search engine. This means that if you want your website to be noticed, you will need to make sure it shows up in search on Google and similar sites. Most importantly, you want your site to appear at the top of the list.
The best way to do this is through SEO, which is a wide range of strategies and activities that we know are part of how search engines determine their rankings. There are many benefits to optimizing your site for search engines, including:
A site that ranks highly in the search engine result pages (SERPs) has high visibility and the best chance of increasing traffic.
A site with a higher rank appears to be more reliable and trustworthy.
You will present visitors with more useful and relevant information because SEO focuses on producing quality content.
If you're a total SEO newbie, don't hit the panic button. By creating a WordPress website, you have already taken a big step as the platform is well optimized for search engines. Plus, there are tons of simple and beginner-friendly ways to push your WordPress site toward the top of the rankings. Let us now take a look at those methods.
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3 Simple Ways to Boost SEO on Your WordPress Website
When compiling this list of SEO strategies, we started with one assumption: You're busy. So these are techniques you can implement now (doesn't require a long-term commitment). Obviously, there are lots of other techniques, but this is a great place to start. And remember: You don't have to use all of these (though you certainly can) – even some should boost your WordPress site in the SERPs.
In addition, we're focusing on advice targeted at Google because it's by far the most popular search engine and releases the most information about its algorithms. That said, many of these strategies should help you on other sites as well, such as Yahoo Search or Bing.
1. Choose Your Hosting Provider Carefully
We are not saying this only because we are a hosting company. We're saying this because it's true: The hosting provider you choose is important for SEO.
Since Google counts speed when ranking sites, a good host can help push you to the top of the SERPs. Your host also affects the amount of downtime your site experiences and the physical distance between the server and visitors – both of which are ranking factors. Last but not least, since Google gives a small boost to HTTPS sites, you might want to do the same. At DreamHost, it's free with all of our plans.
If you haven't built your website yet, you'll want to choose a host that is reliable and has excellent performance. Even for an existing site, you may want to consider switching hosts if your current provider doesn't meet these criteria.
A smart way to go is with a WordPress-specific hosting plan. Our fully managed WordPress plans deliver impressive speeds and have little to no downtime.
2. Choose a Theme Optimized for Search Engines
Your theme is one of the most important choices for your WordPress site. It determines the look and layout of your site, can provide new functionality, and also plays a role in its SEO. For example, your theme can affect the speed of your site - which (as we've already discussed) is important. The way a theme was developed also matters because clean code gives your site the best chance to appear in the SERPs.
So, when you choose a theme, you can opt for one made with SEO in mind. These themes are often referred to as 'SEO friendly'. You can also look for a theme that offers specially designed features to improve your SEO, such as new title tag options. Luckily, there are plenty of themes available that fit the bill.
3. Use a Dedicated SEO Plugin
If you are new to WordPress, you may not be familiar with plugins yet. These add-ons are little pieces of software that you can install, which add new features and functionality to your site. There's a plugin to help your site do just about anything - including rank higher in the search engines. In fact, there are many plugins specifically designed to improve your site's SEO.
These plugins can provide small, targeted features for building sitemaps (we'll talk more about that in a moment). For even better results, you can opt for a comprehensive SEO plugin like Yoast SEO, which will add a full suite of optimization-focused features to your site.
move up SERPs.
SEO covers a wide range of strategies and techniques, so it can be a little intimidating. Luckily, you don't need to be an SEO expert to help your site rank higher in the SERPs. If you want to start seeing results, all you need to do is follow a few simple tips.
Of course, choosing WordPress as your platform is the perfect first step to building a well-optimized site. You'll then need to choose the right host, select a suitable theme, and consider choosing one or more targeted plugins. By implementing these strategies (as well as the rest of the tips on this list), you'll be on your way to improving your site's visibility and traffic.
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